- First thing is to be more accepting of yourself. People with survival mindset tend to be sufferers of low self-esteem. Accept yourself warts and all. Self-acceptance is so critical it comes up in most of my sessions.
- Practice gratitude. People with a survival mindset tend to be dissatisfied with life. Learn to see the glass as half full. Gratitude opens doors for you. Ingratitude sets trap for you. It is a hook and a trap. It ensnares you. It opens you up to all kinds of temptation. The bible says where do temptations come from? Your lusts. IF you tend to see the glass half empty. Change your lens. Nothing means anything except the meaning you give. Change what you can, learn to accept what you cannot change
- Learn to accept and love others irrespective of their faults. The bible says that love covers a multitude of sins.
- Live a purpose driven life. Purpose is a confidence builder. John Maxwell said there are 2 great days in a man’s life. The day he was born and the day he finds out why.
- So, find your purpose in life and find an avenue for expressing it. Live a more goal driven and purposeful life. When you find your purpose and start living it, you will know you are not meant to be some other person. It will set your free from the evil called comparison.
My purpose discovery sessions are very engaging and will help you get on the journey of identifying yours. So get in touch to sign up.
You can also engage with me on social media @okespeaks and let me know how your mindset is being transformed.
I remain your partner for success as you transition to the best ‘YOU’.
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